
So I finally got around to watching all the black lagoon episodes
fucking awesome man
little bit better than I expected actually. It's been awhile since I actually fully watched a good anime, since most anime that's come out recently sucks. Feels kinda cool.
so I just plated the demo for this game
not bad, not bad
mmm beheading

So I do have steam, I just never really used it before now. All I did was add some games to it though for easy-launching purposes. And evidently I don't actually have too many PC games, just the sims 3, spore, second life, (which I guess isn't really a game as much as just a sandbox thing) SMT:I, and some other free shit.
just throwing that out there

I noticed this before but was too lazy to talk about it
If you’ve seen both Disney’s The Hunchback of Notre Dame and also Sweeney Todd, then please answer me this
Did you notice how similar their antagonists were?
The Hunchback of Notre Dame’s antagonist was Frollo. He was a very unfair judge, religious, and quick to condemn people for being “unholy,” but he was also a lustful pervert. He felt the need to force himself on a woman, and upon being rejected, opted to fuck her over instead. He also tried to keep another person locked away from the rest of the world.
Sweeney Todd’s antagonist was judge Turpin. He was a very unfair judge, religious, and quick to condemn people for being “unholy,” but he was also a lustful pervert. He felt the need to force himself on a woman, and upon being rejected, opted to fuck her over instead. He also tried to keep another person locked away from the rest of the world.
I just totally blew your mind
^- she's taking commissions and she needs monies. Buy them. Her art is awesome.
So who wants to see a skinny british guy dancing around in his underwear?
Yeah, it's not the kind of music I usually listen to, but I find Mika charming in a weird way
I mean, he actually made a song about how fat chicks are pretty. You will never see that from any other pop singer. All other pop singers are like "LOOK AT MY TITS/HOW MANY CHICKS WITH NICE TITS ARE DANCING AROUND ME. LOOOOLLLL DOES THAT MAKE ME A GOOD SINGER YOU GUYS?"
I just like his more unique approach, I suppose. And the fact that there's actually MUSIC in the song and not just a retarded keyboard hook that is supposed to pass as a whole song.

I really can't stand people who think that because they're old, they're the only ones who have experienced war and therefore are the only people with a right to have an opinion about war/military/etc.
Just because you had a relative fight back in WWII does not mean your opinion is any more qualified than someone who has a friend or family member fighting in Iraq right now, or ANYONE ELSE'S for that matter. It's fucking MY generation that is in Iraq right now. I have several friends who are the SAME AGE AS ME AND YOUNGER who have joined the armed forces. Don't give me that shit about "oh you young liberals don't know shit about war you weren't around during the war times! My father was in world war II blah blah..." Fuck you. War isn't an ancient forgotten relic. It still fucking happens, and the younger more liberal generation is the one fighting the current one. So seriously, fuck. you.
augghh sorry I just had to let off some steam.
oh boy

Oh boy school's gonna start and I'm taking programming classes. Wish me luck. I kinda missed school over the summer, despite the annoyances