Halloween themed playlist lol
All hallows eve

hayy so I'm downloading the Charon discography. That's the band that the guy with the super low voice in northern kings is from.
So I wanna try it and see if it'll be ear candy
I'm totally not just downloading it because I think the singer is hot
I fucking love Halloween
I even decorated my house in SL with Halloween stuff and a scripted candy bowl looool
I'm just trying to decide what movie I should watch that night
maybe I'll watch sweeney todd again. I've watched shaun of the dead too many times.
oh yeah me and magica spent like...several hours, dunno exactly how many, on SL playing with a streaming video TV on my land plot, lol
until I finally had to go pass out from the tired
Check this shiz out

I can't stop listening to these guys
Basically they're a cover band formed by members of other bands that I like (Nightwish and Sonata Arctica in particular) and goddamn they're addicting
k fangasms and video spamming over
If at first you don't succeed...

[19:20] W: I keep hearing this weird loud bass-like noise coming from outside
[19:20] Jake: niggas wif boom boxes
[19:20] W: and I have my windows closed
[19:22] W: holy fuck I can feel the vibrations from it
[19:22] W: what the fucking shit is that
[19:24] W: lol
[19:24] W: my dad is calling them
[19:24] Jake: o.O
[19:25] W: the house where it's coming from
[19:25] W: oh man
[19:25] W: nobody answered, so now he's going to go take a walk and look and see
[19:26] W: I almost want to go with him, but I don't want to get shot if it turns out to be a burgler trying to break into their house or something
[19:28] Jake: but if they were burglars, i'm sure they'd be a bit more quiet, especially while it's still not pitch plack
[19:28] Jake: black*
[19:29] W: lol
[19:29] W: what the fuck
[19:29] W: so my dad went out there and talked to a guy outside
[19:29] W: and he's just slamming his car door
[19:30] W: and he's saying it won't shut
[19:30] W: so he just keeps slamming it over and over again
[19:30] W: uhh
[19:30] Jake: he might want to check the latch o.O
[19:30] W: if it didn't work the first 100 times you did it, then why would it work the next 100 times
[19:30] W: jesus christ
[19:31] W: He's still fucking doing it
[19:31] W: lmao
[19:31] Jake: you can't teach intelligence