
I actually have steam games now yay
Left 4 dead 2, Team Foretress 2, Garry's mod, and audiosurf
My steam name is WerewolfOfTheWater in case you forgot it
also I'm gonna be off from school for awhile so I'm gonna have time to draw and hopefully also write

NVX: I always die
W: yes you do
NVX: it brought a tear to my eye
W: hooray
NVX: so anyways I found my pokaymanz game
W: yay
NVX: and I have wifi here at my dad's house
W: omg
W: yay
I was in a horrible mood yesterday but now I am happy

So I grab a package of those razor blades with the gels on them
and I see that there's tape on it and I'm like whut
I open it and see that the gels are gone, looked like somebody ripped them off and then taped the package back together
so I promptly sent them straight to the trash can, since there's no way I'm gonna use razor blades that somebody was fucking with
who the fuck steals the gels off of razor blades holy shit.

Edit: anyone else notice that the music in the background is the tune to the imperial march from star wars lmao

On Wikipedia, the guy who played Spock in Star Trek 09, Zachary Quinto, is in the "LGBT rights activists from the united states" category. I just thought that was interesting. :D
I liked Spock in that movie
Scotty was awesome too. I immediately liked him because he was played by Simon Pegg, who is from shaun of the dead lol
I was actually surprised at how good that movie was
okay maybe not
but I still liked it
This sorta makes me think a bit
How some homophobes really only put on that mask of being nice and loving because if they didn't, everyone else would recognize how monstrous they are. So they need to make the cause look more moral by pouring some sugar over it.
But then they do shit like this, in which no amount of sugarcoating will make it look decent.
You know what they say you can polish a turd but it's still a turd.
Those people they talk about in the article, I wonder...what happened to their belief of "love the sinner hate the sin," what happened to their idea that there's "hope" for gays and they can change? Why the sudden switch to saying it should be an offense punishable by death?
honestly the only thing that surprises me about this is that they didn't hide it better.

I got the ultimate version tehe. and it's 64 bit so now I'm using all my RAM hoorah
my dad got it for free because he works with computers for a living and gets free shit all the time
in the process of reinstalling everything and setting everything back up since I had to wipe everything.
but its shiny.

Check this little excerpt out from this oh-so-moral Christian website, on how to handle the hypothetical situation of when Nazis come to your door asking if you're hiding Jews, whether you should lie and save their lives (lying being a sin) or tell the truth and let them be taken away:
"If we love God, we should obey Him (John 14:15). To love God first means to obey Him first--before looking at our neighbor. So, is the greater good trusting God when He says not to lie or trusting in our fallible, sinful minds about the uncertain future?
Consider this carefully. In the situation of a Nazi beating on the door, we have assumed a lie would save a life, but really we don't know. So, one would be opting to lie and disobey God without the certainty of saving a life--keeping in mind that all are ultimately condemned to die physically. Besides, whether one lied or not may not have stopped the Nazi solders from searching the house anyway.
As Christians, we need to keep in mind that Jesus Christ reigns. All authority has been given to Him (Matthew 28:18), and He sits on the throne of God at the right hand of the Father (Acts 2:33; Hebrews 8:1). Nothing can happen without His say. Even Satan could not touch Peter without Christ's approval (Luke 22:31). Regardless, if one were to lie or not, Jesus Christ is in control of timing every person's life and able to discern our motives. It is not for us to worry over what might become, but rather to place our faith and obedience in Christ and to let Him do the reigning. For we do not know the future, whereas God has been telling the end from the beginning (Isaiah 46:10)."
Seriously. Fucking WHAT.
Yeah, we "don't know." What a lame ass cop out. Sure, we can't be 100% certain that they'll be killed and/or tortured, but it's pretty fucking likely that they will be. If you have any ounce of reasoning capability, or base your morality based on compassion or reason, you wouldn't even think to put them in harm's way by telling the truth.
How many of those people who were killed do you think prayed to God to help them, and he didn't? I'd bet a damn lot of them. So somehow I doubt jesus is going to save them just because you didn't lie.
Besides that, this is just another horrifying example of favoring the ego and penis length of a mythological being you're told to worship over the basic welfare of your fellow man. Fundamentalist Christians, THIS IS WHY PEOPLE ARE REALLY STARTING TO HATE YOUR RELIGION. TAKE THE HINT.
I think a comment in the LJ com this was posted in said it best: "Morality based on authority is no morality at all. If we learned anything from the Nazis, we learned that."
EDIT: Though one thing I just noticed that I found pretty funny is, how in this article, they basically admit that Jesus allows evil to happen: "Even Satan could not touch Peter without Christ's approval"
LGBT Families

For awhile now, people have been fed a huge lie; that a family is always a mother, a father, and their kids. That's it. It's a cookie-cutter model you see on shows like Leave it to Beaver, where everything is the way you would think it's “supposed” to be, or what is supposedly “normal.”
But after awhile, people started to accept the idea that not everyone lives the life of people in picture frames. Not every kid still has contact with both their biological parents, and some adults are incapable of conceiving their own biological kids, but still want to raise or help kids, or simply end up with kids through circumstance. As a result families are often born from people in these situations as well.
Because of this, I think, eventually, people in general grew a big realization that families were not dependent on things like arbitrary gender roles, religious rules, or even blood relations. People began to accept the idea that a family is more strongly defined as a group of people who love and support each other and stick together through everything until the end. A family is, more realistically, unconditional love.
In early history, people didn't live in nuclear “leave it to beaver”-type families. They lived in large extended families with all of their relatives, all of them helping to raise the kids. Humans, as a social species, have a tendency to form groups and group bonds with others, and express it in different ways with different individuals. Human bonding and human sexuality has always been very complex and heavily ingrained into our social structure.
However, as LGBT people began to make themselves noticed and heard, I saw people regress to promoting the strict cookie-cutter model. I never understood how this could even happen. In a world with tons of nontraditional families, where you have grandparents raising kids, single parents raising kids, foster parents raising kids, and sometimes even older siblings raising their younger siblings, why does society decide to pick on the LGBT-headed families? Why so they suddenly tell everyone that a family can only be the standard cookie-cutter model when an LGBT-family is the topic of discussion?
Humans don't limit sexuality to only members of the opposite sex, because we use sexuality an adult bonding ritual, and we're capable of bonding with members of either sex, as group bonds further human survival. Humans are also complex and intelligent enough to know whether or not their personal internal identities don't match the bodies they were born with.
I understand that people have an aversion to things that seem a bit out of the ordinary, as that too is part of our instinct that kept primitive man alive. However we're now intelligent enough to be able to judge whether or not something is a danger to us on a rational basis, rather than a knee-jerk-fearful-reaction basis. And I, personally, cannot even begin to comprehend how two adults of the same sex or gender being involved romantically with each other or raising kids together is dangerous to anyone in any conceivable way, or how someone's personal gender identity is, either.
I completely fail to understand, for example, how this woman wanting to see her loved one before she died was a danger to anyone.
I also fail to see how giving LGBT people equality under the law as well as basic human dignity is a threat to anyone's rights or welfare. In fact the opposite is true.
Tonight, the night I write this, is the night Maine had something on the ballot that should have simply been guaranteed on the basis of equal treatment under the law in the first place. Like prop 8 before it, question 1 passed by a slim margin and banned gay marriage in the state.
After reading the above story about a lesbian forced to die alone and unable to even say goodbye to her kids, as well as watching as several LGBT people went to bed feeling like subhumans after tonight's election results, I was motivated to write all of this.
I'm an outraged genderqueer bisexual and I'm not afraid to let everyone know it anymore. Neither should anyone else be.
I will NOT ever stop being passionate about this. I will NEVER stop pushing this and fighting this. We as a supposedly free and rational society should know better than this. No one group, or one set of beliefs, should have a monopoly on the right to have a family. We should know by now that families are not subject to arbitrary gender roles, religious rules, or even by blood. We should ALL know by now that families are a group of people who love and support each other and stick together through everything, whether you are a single parent raising kids, a grandparent raising your kid's kids, or a foster parent raising adopted kids. I used to think that most people DID know this. But why does it seem to suddenly change when gay people are involved? Why do arbitrary gender roles and blood suddenly matter more than love and dedication when you learn that someone is gay or transgendered?
Marriage is not owned by the religious right. Marriage means different things for different people and it's a deep and personal thing that has never had any single set of objective rules throughout history. Legally, marriage is a government contract, which LGBT people put their taxes into, that says two consenting adults are now part of one family. Why should only opposite-sex couples be allowed to obtain this contract, but not same-sex couples? What is really the big deal to you? What is it to you if two men or two women form their own family?
LGBT people are not demanding any sacrifices from you. They aren't demanding that you be forced to approve of their sexuality or gender identity. They're not even asking anti-gay churches to preform gay wedding ceremonies. All they are asking is for basic human dignity, equal legal rights, and equal opportunities. We only want the right to be treated equally under the law as guaranteed by our constitution, the right to be respected enough to be allowed to lead our own personal lives as we see fit, and for you to acknowledge that we exist and are human beings with the same dreams and aspirations that you have.
As long as LGBT people put taxes into marriage, then we will DEMAND equal access to it and equal coverage under it. End of story.
To all other LGBT people out there: I beg you to not lose hope for the future, or be afraid. There is living proof that LGBT people can lead fulfilling lives and have families without compromising who they are.
Case in point, I'd like to direct your attention to the Leffew Family:
Their website
Their blog
Their YouTube
LGBT Declaration of Independence
Please check them out. They're good people, they have kids, they're gay...and they are just one family out of many others just like them. They ALL fight every day to protect their families. The Leffews make videos to show people that they aren't so different from anyone else. I ask that if you have time, to watch their videos and listen to the stories of their lives. It may even surprise some of you.
Be sure to take a look at this blog too, and/or bookmark it: Not related to the Leffews, but still a good blog with a lot of good reading and issue coverage.
Support for equality is growing, even if it doesn't feel like it right now. Don't back down now. Don't be afraid to fight or speak up loudly and proudly for yourself or for your family. Don't let anyone make you feel bad for demanding the dignity you deserve as a human being. You are not alone, and there are other people like you out there, and people who will support you. No civil rights battle has ever been won by sitting on the sidelines.

Fun fact: My old layout was just a temporary placeholder. Looks a lot better now doesn't it? I'm gonna apply the same one to the Shifted Spirits blog as soon as I get done with a drawing I'm working on to make a banner from.
Werewolf Wanders into a church
There are a lot of interesting things in Second Life since most of everything is user-created. You can pretty much do anything from RPGs, first person shooters, clubbing, to awkwardly animated fucking. Of course in such an open environment, religious people will probably take advantage of the sandbox as well.
I've seen a lot of churches in my SL days, but I ran into one that seemed particularly interesting. I'll post some screenshots so you can share the experience with me, and study the elusive species called "Christian." Oh joy.
Right off the bat, I see this crate with a candy cane giver outside. Well, that was nice! But unfortunately it has a script error so it doesn't work. I guess Christians don't know how to script. How unfortunate, I wanted a candy cane...
They have quite a bit of stuff laying outside. My thought looking at all of this was just...hooo boy.
I walk in the door and I'm immediately bombarded with more signs and displays. I particularly like the "Warning: You are entering a radical area" sign. Thanks for the warning.
Within the chapel itself, I was greeted by a scripted dog and two objects that looked like avatars, but weren't. Apparently they keep dogs and mannequins in the chapel. Alrighty then. I really don't know why those two fake people are there, they don't do anything except stare at you...funny how the dog greeted me but the people didn't!
Church of the living magazine ads!
I wonder if they expect people to read all that. I had to zoom in pretty close just to see the text clearly.
I learned today that God listens to prayers written down on notecards in Second Life. Amazing.
This was probably the best part of the whole adventure. The church actually had its own swear jar. I was curious if it was scripted, and nobody was around other than the dog and two mannequins, so I did this:
Sure enough it detected my curse and demanded that I pay it right away. So I wondered what would happen if I did not comply. 30 seconds later:
Ah, so it just insults you. Can suck still be considered a swear these days? If so, the jar needs to pay itself. That wasn't a very christianly phrase, anyway. But I guess I wouldn't know.
Well that's all for my little SL church adventure...hope you had fun.
Random thought
I was talking somebody today and came up with something
Currently, LGBT people have to pay taxes into civil marriage but don't have access to it
What if there was a civil disobedience campaign where LGBT people refused to pay marriage-related taxes until they got access to marriage?
I just think it'd be the most effective way to reach conservatives since they're always so concerned about taxes and shit.
Anyway I wrote a pretty long reaction to the whole Maine situation, I'm drawing something to sorta go along with it so I'll post it when I finish that.
All hallows eve

hayy so I'm downloading the Charon discography. That's the band that the guy with the super low voice in northern kings is from.
So I wanna try it and see if it'll be ear candy
I'm totally not just downloading it because I think the singer is hot
I fucking love Halloween
I even decorated my house in SL with Halloween stuff and a scripted candy bowl looool
I'm just trying to decide what movie I should watch that night
maybe I'll watch sweeney todd again. I've watched shaun of the dead too many times.
oh yeah me and magica spent like...several hours, dunno exactly how many, on SL playing with a streaming video TV on my land plot, lol
until I finally had to go pass out from the tired
Check this shiz out

I can't stop listening to these guys
Basically they're a cover band formed by members of other bands that I like (Nightwish and Sonata Arctica in particular) and goddamn they're addicting
k fangasms and video spamming over
If at first you don't succeed...

[19:20] W: I keep hearing this weird loud bass-like noise coming from outside
[19:20] Jake: niggas wif boom boxes
[19:20] W: and I have my windows closed
[19:22] W: holy fuck I can feel the vibrations from it
[19:22] W: what the fucking shit is that
[19:24] W: lol
[19:24] W: my dad is calling them
[19:24] Jake: o.O
[19:25] W: the house where it's coming from
[19:25] W: oh man
[19:25] W: nobody answered, so now he's going to go take a walk and look and see
[19:26] W: I almost want to go with him, but I don't want to get shot if it turns out to be a burgler trying to break into their house or something
[19:28] Jake: but if they were burglars, i'm sure they'd be a bit more quiet, especially while it's still not pitch plack
[19:28] Jake: black*
[19:29] W: lol
[19:29] W: what the fuck
[19:29] W: so my dad went out there and talked to a guy outside
[19:29] W: and he's just slamming his car door
[19:30] W: and he's saying it won't shut
[19:30] W: so he just keeps slamming it over and over again
[19:30] W: uhh
[19:30] Jake: he might want to check the latch o.O
[19:30] W: if it didn't work the first 100 times you did it, then why would it work the next 100 times
[19:30] W: jesus christ
[19:31] W: He's still fucking doing it
[19:31] W: lmao
[19:31] Jake: you can't teach intelligence

So I finally got around to watching all the black lagoon episodes
fucking awesome man
little bit better than I expected actually. It's been awhile since I actually fully watched a good anime, since most anime that's come out recently sucks. Feels kinda cool.
so I just plated the demo for this game
not bad, not bad
mmm beheading

So I do have steam, I just never really used it before now. All I did was add some games to it though for easy-launching purposes. And evidently I don't actually have too many PC games, just the sims 3, spore, second life, (which I guess isn't really a game as much as just a sandbox thing) SMT:I, and some other free shit.
just throwing that out there

I noticed this before but was too lazy to talk about it
If you’ve seen both Disney’s The Hunchback of Notre Dame and also Sweeney Todd, then please answer me this
Did you notice how similar their antagonists were?
The Hunchback of Notre Dame’s antagonist was Frollo. He was a very unfair judge, religious, and quick to condemn people for being “unholy,” but he was also a lustful pervert. He felt the need to force himself on a woman, and upon being rejected, opted to fuck her over instead. He also tried to keep another person locked away from the rest of the world.
Sweeney Todd’s antagonist was judge Turpin. He was a very unfair judge, religious, and quick to condemn people for being “unholy,” but he was also a lustful pervert. He felt the need to force himself on a woman, and upon being rejected, opted to fuck her over instead. He also tried to keep another person locked away from the rest of the world.
I just totally blew your mind
^- she's taking commissions and she needs monies. Buy them. Her art is awesome.
So who wants to see a skinny british guy dancing around in his underwear?
Yeah, it's not the kind of music I usually listen to, but I find Mika charming in a weird way
I mean, he actually made a song about how fat chicks are pretty. You will never see that from any other pop singer. All other pop singers are like "LOOK AT MY TITS/HOW MANY CHICKS WITH NICE TITS ARE DANCING AROUND ME. LOOOOLLLL DOES THAT MAKE ME A GOOD SINGER YOU GUYS?"
I just like his more unique approach, I suppose. And the fact that there's actually MUSIC in the song and not just a retarded keyboard hook that is supposed to pass as a whole song.

I really can't stand people who think that because they're old, they're the only ones who have experienced war and therefore are the only people with a right to have an opinion about war/military/etc.
Just because you had a relative fight back in WWII does not mean your opinion is any more qualified than someone who has a friend or family member fighting in Iraq right now, or ANYONE ELSE'S for that matter. It's fucking MY generation that is in Iraq right now. I have several friends who are the SAME AGE AS ME AND YOUNGER who have joined the armed forces. Don't give me that shit about "oh you young liberals don't know shit about war you weren't around during the war times! My father was in world war II blah blah..." Fuck you. War isn't an ancient forgotten relic. It still fucking happens, and the younger more liberal generation is the one fighting the current one. So seriously, fuck. you.
augghh sorry I just had to let off some steam.
oh boy

Oh boy school's gonna start and I'm taking programming classes. Wish me luck. I kinda missed school over the summer, despite the annoyances

I love this song
p.s. that drummer is totally hot y/yI know it's probably actually a drum machine but I don't give a shit
I was referring to the male one but the chick is kinda hot too I suppose. I'm not really into blondes though
ya know

I really liked the Dark Knight, it was an awesome movie, and the Joker was great
but there’s the thing..the Joker was great, but as a result, Batman himself got downplayed
I think Batman/Bruce was a much much stronger character in Batman Begins.
It’s hard for me to decide which movie I actually like better. When the Dark Knight first came out, I was still all hypnotized by it so I was like “omg best movie EVAR” but I dunno, after watching it more times and watching Batman Begins again, they both have some strong and weak points
Well, Begins, other than Batman being a stronger character like I mentioned, also seemed to have a more coherent plot. The protagonists also delivered better lines and more comedy relief, since they didn’t have the Joker to do that for them in that movie. In the Dark Knight Bruce is a bit wooden and Batman is just angry all the time. In Begins, Batman’s voice also wasn’t so freaking silly. Bale was okay in the Dark Knight and his other movies I guess, but I think he was his best in Batman Begins.
And as much as I liked the Joker I really liked Ducard/Ra's too. He was pretty cool.
Besides the The Dark Knight’s awesome Joker, it also had better action scenes, I think…the action scenes in Begins weren’t bad, but they often had the shaky camera syndrome and it was hard to make out what was going on sometimes and made me a little queasy. But I’m also one of those people who thinks that a coherent story is more important than a coherent action scene and explosions…Not to say the Dark Knight’s story was bad, it wasn’t. It was just a little jumpy and more difficult to follow.
And honestly I can’t really decide whether I preferred Katie or Maggie playing Rachel. I’m honestly sort of leaning towards Katie Holmes. I mean, she’s not the best actor ever, but I just felt more chemistry with her and Bruce. On the other hand Maggie had good chemistry with Harvey Dent, I think. But I guess you can’t really have both at once too strongly.
but ya know
no movie is going be absolutely flawless, and some aspects just come down to personal preferences
they were both awesome in their own ways
Moar SMT screenshots

I got a new cerberus which I can mount. I get to keep him this time, yay. and lolcocks
sitting around SMOKING WEED or not. also sweet new threads bought with money from all the cans we sold
I went to the fair

They had quite the awesome firework display after that beetles tribute band
was playing. There were all these drunk guys in the back lol. It was fun. I
only caught the ending of the show though, I really just wanted to see the
And the tiger show was great, I bought a picture of them. The proceeds of it
goes to their tiger reserve. :P I always like doing that. I like tiger shows
where they just have them do some natural tricks (no jumping through fire
hoops and shit, just stuff like hopping over their trainer's heads and stuff
lol) and educated people about them. That's always nice.
Then I came home and played Shin Megami Tensei Imagine with crossmirage and
metalgoddess029. I made my character look pretty cool before I quit the
game, and my demon is a red dog with big teeth. I also have this cool lion
thing but I don't get to keep it, apparently.
Obligatory screen shot
Nighty night
lol whut
W says (2:44 PM):
*"A common misconception is that homosexuals are only attracted to and only prey on men. It is clearly seen in the Bible that homosexuals are perverted in other ways and are always bisexual."
W says (2:45 PM):
Jake says (2:45 PM):
W says (2:45 PM):
Jake says (2:45 PM):
*absolutely genius
Political quiz
My Political Views
I am a center-left social libertarian
Left: 1.73, Libertarian: 7.06
Political Spectrum Quiz
Yup, pretty much confirmed what I knew already
video games live pictures

Now I couldn't take pictures myself cuz I forgot my camera, but there was a photographer there who took pics and uploaded I can just show those instead lol
Here's the chick dressed up as lulu she won the costume contest and she was pretty hawt
this kid was called up to play space invaders to win a prize he lost all his lives on the first level rofl
main screen...too bad he didn't take any pics of the MJ tribute that was amusing
Metroid. I kinda wish he took pics of zelda that was my favorite segment but oh well
metal gear
the conductor. He sign mah poster. He was also standing on that flashing neon thingy
that's all
Video games live

So video games live was actually pretty cool. The buffalo harmonic orchestra is pretty damn sweet.
I went with my cousin. We stood in line for the meet and greet after the show and got posters signed by the host, the conductor, and that Asian guy who plays the mario song on the piano blindfolded. It was pretty cool. I was a little surprised they didn't do sonic, so I actually asked the host guy about it while I was getting my shit signed and he said that sonic was cut for time constraints, but he promised he'd be in the next show, lol.
What's interesting is that it was mostly all adult nerds like me or teenagers. I didn't actually see that many kids there. But you know those damn kids, they have no appreciation for the old games :P Even though they did actually do modern games too like Halo and metal gear. But they did a lot of zelda and mario and all that good stuff too. They also threw some metroid and crono trigger in there and they had a guitar hero contest too
they asked the audience that instead of holding up lighters to hold up their DS's and PSPs or phones instead haha. I left my DS in the car so I just held up my phone. One guy in the back was holding up a laptop lmao. Oh I love being surrounded by nerds, it's hilarious.
Oh yeah there was a costume contest too, I noticed there were cosplayers when I first got there and they actually looked pretty good and not horribly eye burning like you would expect. The person who won the contest was this really hot chick dressed up as Lulu from final fantasy 10. She walked by my seat and I was like "congrats :D" and she said "thank you :D :D :D" I think I honestly only said that because she was hot hahaha.
I think some chick there was drunk, she was stumbling all over the place while walking lol. They were serving alcohol there, I myself had some mike's. I had some cappuccino too. I basically just consumed nothing but alcohol and caffeine while there :P I'm not supposed to have caffeine but whatever one night didn't kill me.
my only complaint was that it was pretty hot in the aud but it wasn't that bad. Also, I FORGOT TO BRING A FUCKING CAMERA D: but maybe I'll take a picture of the poster that I got signed later, or something. I would scan it but it's too big and I already taped it to my wall. :P
anyway yeah, that's all~

the beach was closed for swimming but that's ok because I got caught in a downpour and got really soaked
and whee fireworks
I'm working on a drawing, also my laptop's space bar doesn't work unless I hit it really hard so I'm using a usb keyboard until I take care of that
that is all
Imma pirate

Snip snip

so I watched edward scissorhands for the first time
yeah I know continuing my trend of not seeing movies until long after they're cool
but I liked it a lot
What if I don't feel like smiling?
Please stop telling me to smile. You can’t just expect everyone to be automatically happy in your presence. I wish people like you would realize how mind-numbing it is to be literally ordered to smile, totally out of the blue, when I wasn’t even talking to you or even know you. Don’t try to pretend that you give a shit about my emotions. If you did, you wouldn’t make me feel singled out just because poor little you didn’t want to look at a person who wasn’t smiling.
I can’t wait until one of you retards tells some random guy to smile, and he replies by saying he doesn’t feel like it. Then you ask him why, and he tells you, because he just watched his entire family get raped, beaten, and killed by a deranged psychopath. Then you reply, with your trademark shit-eating grin, “Awww, Chin up!”
You probably wouldn’t like it if somebody you didn’t know just randomly told you to start crying, or told you to start yelling, or told you to start pissing yourself, as if you were a trained monkey, without giving a shit about how you actually felt, would you?
Honestly, how difficult is it to quickly ask yourself how you would feel if you were put into a similar spot before you just blurt things out? Are some people just not born with any sense of empathy, or are they really just so brain-dead that they can’t imagine why someone wouldn’t be constantly smiling around them?

Fist post in personal blog wooooo~
I'm going to chestnut ridge today
even though it's stormy and rainy out
because it's my niece's first birthday
and my brother decided he has to throw a huge freaking party and invite 100 people and HAVE IT CATERED AND HAVE GAMES AND ALL THAT STUFF
and I'm like
she is 1 years old
hopefully I'll be able to set up the SS blog soon and make a post